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Hen Rehomers UK are a small independent group which was started with the purpose of rehoming hens who would otherwise be slaughtered.
This information was written by myself to produce as leaflets to give to hen rehomers at Little Hen Rescue when purchasing hen items from our on site shop on rehoming days.
I hope you will find them of interest. The first rehomers leaflet is a Word Document but the others are PDF's so you will need Adobe reader to view them.
Any further useful information sheets will be added once written.
A Family run Fenland smallholding where the health & quality of their poultry is of the utmost importance. They are a lovely couple and also sell hatching eggs, housing and other things a poultry keeper will need.
Paul Chapman's Chicken Art- Livestock promotional products & gifts. Beautiful business cards, birthday cards, clocks, posters, mugs etc... (Recommended as I received one of his "Get Well Soon" cards and it's lovely.) Based in Norfolk but they visit larger Agricultural shows.
Not related to the cause of ex batts but we did get a Pekin Bantam cockerel from Little Hen rescue that someone didn't want so we joined their relevant forum and bought him 2 wives. Pekins make ideal little pets and we've just hatched our first 8 babies by incubation.
We commissioned SCA-ART to make our great hen silhouette we designed for our blog into a vinyl graphic for our vehicles and windows. We have previously bought other graphics from them and found excellent service and quality graphics. (Their Guinea pigs are fantastic)
You too can now purchase our hen design in BLACK, WHITE, SILVER, GOLD, RED, YELLOW, LIGHT BLUE, DARK BLUE, AQUA GREEN or PINK. Each one measures 150mm x 150mm and costs £2.00 with £1 P&P but free postage for additional graphics. Have a look for yourself. The sell beautiful guinea pig graphics and birthday cards etc... too. Please click the SCA-ART title to be taken to their eBay listings for pet vinyl graphics.

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